5 Whiplash Facts You Need To Know

Whiplash was once known as “railway spine” in the time before cars. It is quite a common neck injury that occurs in the cervical when the spine and soft tissues vigorously thrust forward or backward. Such forceful jerk may harm muscles supporting the neck or even damage one or more discs in the cervical spine. While not typically being life threatening, whiplash can be very painful at times. Here are some key facts about whiplash Beverly Hills Spine Surgeons suggest you to remember to get effective treatment.

1. Car Accidents Aren’t Just the Cause

Whiplash is commonly related to car accidents but it is simply any abnormal movement of the neck that causes some type of strain or damage. Rear collisions are the most common types of car accidents that cause whiplash, where the drive is in a stationary position. Other causes include;
·         A sharp, abrupt neck twist beyond its normal range if motion
·         Vigorous thrusts of neck when riding in amusement park
·         Sports related injury

2. Symptoms Vary with Duration and Intensity

Several studies with crash test dummies found that most rear hits result in whiplash causing the upper cervical spine hyperflexes forward and lower cervical spine hyperextend backward making “S” shape. This can result in a variety of symptoms that can be shot term or chronic. Other symptoms include;
·         Neck pain and stiffness
·         Shoulder pain and stiffness
·         Burning or tingling sensations
·         Reduced range of motion
·         Muscle spasms
·         Dizziness or vision problems
·         Arm pain or weakness

3. Diagnosis Involves Observing a Change in Symptoms

The initial whiplash treatment involves physical examination and evaluation of the symptoms. Image tests like X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs may be done to determine the occurrence of a fracture within the cervical spine or damaged spinal discs. A follow up examination is typically set up about a week later to observe possible changes because issues sometimes develop after the initial pain due to constant inflammation and other reactions within.

4. Non Surgical Treatments for Lasting Relief

Often times, conservative non surgical methods provide relief for most patients. Once, cervical collars were the initial treatment for whiplash but research has found that prolonged immobilization can slow the healing process. An initial rest period may allow tissues to heal and then an appropriate range of motion exercise will be effective enough to restore the flexibility and strength of muscles. Treatments many include;
·         Trigger point injections
·         Physical therapy and gentle stretching exercises
·         Anti-inflammatory medications
·         Occupational therapy to help patients return to work
·         Soft or hard bracing for a limited time

5. Self Care Steps to Prevent Whiplash Risks

Due to the unexpected nature of whiplash, prevention is not possible many times. However, steps can be taken to reduce the risk of possible neck injuries. For example, athletes must pay attention to their posture and wear properly fitting protective gear. Other preventive measures include;
·         Practice right posture when driving as slouching many take off the head of headrest
·         Doing warm ups and stretches with intervals to keep neck muscles flexible
·         Adjusting vehicle head restrains to ensure sufficient support to head and neck
·         Following safety recommendations when taking amusement park rides
If you are unable to find lasting relief, reach out to cervical experts and Beverly Hills Spine Surgeon to know your best treatment option for optimum results.
